Take advantage of LLMs like OpenAI GPT to create even better, secure AI assistants

Our platform takes advantages of LLM technology like GPT safely to create even better AI assistants for you, your team and your customers.

Create yours from your homepage URL in minutes!

  • 24/7 automation, over 90% accuracy
  • Live chat with unlimited seats
  • Natural language and conversation in 130 languages
  • Universal access to the same premium features
  • No hidden costs, upselling or unfair pricing
  • 20+ years of world class data engineering with enterprise security & compliance

Providing AI powered customer assistants to over 12,000 global businesses

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EBI technology partners

533% ROI in less than 6 months

533% ROI in less than 6 months

Upgrading your customer service tooling to an AI assistant can help improve customer satisfaction and save you money:

We know our AI assistant will create substantial cost savings and resource efficiencies for you and your team. That’s why we’ve taken care of any unnecessary complexities and simplified the platform.

It’s free to sign up and you can go live in minutes: no engineering, coding or training required.

What our clients say

Join our happy customers and experience the benefits of having an AI assistant that can efficiently handle 35% of calls outside of customer contact centre hours and save you almost £50,000 in direct costs within just 6 months.

Case studies

“We chose EBI.AI as our provider because they promised a hassle-free process to deploy an AI assistant on their platform, and they absolutely delivered. Their implementation was seamless, exceeding our expectations.”
Rachael Pearson
“The ability to take information directly from our site and present that to customers has delivered major change. I believe out of the huge range of customer digital transformation I have delivered that our AI assistant has been one of the best projects and has delivered consistently since being installed. Honestly, we couldn’t have chosen a better company or solution for our AI based chat system.”
John Branigan, Director of IT & Transformation at Mytime Active
John Branigan

Happier customers, increased capacity and lower costs

A human in the loop is guaranteed with our platform

A human in the loop is guaranteed with our platform

LLM tech like GPT left on its own has risks. But used alongside a real, human brain has the power to create change, today. Our platform takes advantage of the latest AI technology like GPT to create great AI assistants. It crucially also has in-built human in the loop processes so AI tech is never left unsupervised to go off-piste. Your customers are too precious to be told wrong information. Human in the loop ensures that doesn’t happen.

Your devs are too busy to help but love the idea of GPT

Your devs are too busy to help but love the idea of GPT

Whilst your dev team may be excited about the latest AI developments shrinking engineering and IT resources are common everywhere. Even with a great team of devs you don’t want to add to their, normally huge, to-do list. ‘Artificial intelligence’ sounds like a very techy implementation but it’s not with our platform. The AI is taken care of in the background. AI Studio is designed for anyone that wants to create an AI assistant that has the best AI tech inbuilt. It’s easy so you can build one with confidence.

Your customer service team are overwhelmed

Your customer service team are overwhelmed

The customer service team are often, simply put, stuck. Everyday they turn up and cope with the resources available to them even though better options are available. Some teams are missing up to 8 out of 9 calls – that’s almost 90% of customer enquiries gone. On average, our assistants handle 30% of enquiries whilst your contact centre is closed. Imagine the boost of morale in your contact centre team if a third of their days work was taken care of before they even logged on.

Try for free and pay-as-you-grow

Rocket taking off
Meet your AI assistant in minutes
Your first month usage is free
After 25 days your average monthly request volume sets your upcoming monthly payment
Upcoming payment is reviewed monthly based on your 3 month rolling average
Rocket taking off
Meet your AI assistant in minutes
Your first month usage is free
After 25 days your average monthly request volume sets your upcoming monthly payment
Upcoming payment is reviewed monthly based on your 3 month rolling average

Everything you need to unlock the power of AI

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AI Supervision

We manage your AI for you

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AI Services

Applying AI across your whole organisation