What are AI chatbot interactions?
Chatbot interactions show the total number of interactions between your customers and your chatbot (or more advanced AI assistant), within a specific timeframe. This metric counts how often customers engage with your AI assistant to get information, resolve queries or complete tasks.
How are chatbot interactions calculated?
Calculating chatbot interactions involves adding up the total number of user interactions with the AI assistant, including messages, queries and tasks completed. You should be able to track this metric on the dashboard of the platform you use to manage your AI assistant and see key data like the most popular questions or topic of conversation, your busiest days or times, and feedback on the interactions, so you know if automated interactions are good or need improvement.
Note: Calculations may differ by platform
Different companies can calculate chatbot interactions differently, perhaps because the most advanced chatbot technology is still relatively new and providers are in the process of establishing best practice. What remains the same in chatbot terminology is each bubble within a chat is know as an “utterance” ― what was asked or said as part of the ongoing back and forth conversation.
Some AI chatbot companies will count each utterance as a chatbot interaction (and charge you for it), whereas others (like ours) will see an interaction as a more traditional completion of a customer request, no matter how many utterances sit within it. This way, it’s easier to calculate the number of requests you get from your customers, plus you’ll pay less for the service.
What is a good chatbot interactions benchmark?
A good chatbot interaction benchmark varies based on the industry, customer base, and goals of the business, but a higher volume of chatbot interactions can show stronger customer engagement. You can aim to steadily increase chatbot interactions over time by optimising your AI assistant’s responses through training and feedback, to increase interactions.
- Training your AI assistant is easy on our platform, since you’ll receive suggestions for new flows (what we call a question and answer series) that you simply approve or reject. Answering more of the queries that matter most to your customers will help increase customer engagement― in real time, so your interactions can continue to go up.
- Since your AI assistant can get instant feedback from your customers at the end of every conversation, you soon learn which of your responses are helpful or need improvement, and as you continue to improve your AI assistant’s perform, the more customers can come to trust it and so interact with it more often.
- You can increase customer engagement (even if you’re on a tight budget) by using an AI assistant to interact with your customers on any channel 24 hours a day in any language, to personalise experiences as they transform your customer insight, and pass customers over to your team using live chat whenever they need a human response.
- If, like many organisations, your telephone communications currently commands the largest piece of what we call the customer service pie, you’ll also save money by increasing chatbot interactions. Using an AI assistant, you can keep your support open 24/7, which is a far less expensive ‘pie strategy’ since less calls means less cost per call.
“Something people often don’t realise is that when you increase chatbot interactions (typically because you’re training your AI assistant well and it’s able to answer more customer queries end-to-end), your live chat interactions go down. This is a win-win, since your customers are getting more instant answers to their queries and your teams are having to answer less routine queries, giving them more time to work on profitable tasks to help boost your revenue.” ~ Aaron Gleeson, Implementation Lead at EBI.AI